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The Question: The season is almost upon us once again and players around the country are starting to get signed up. Gear up and start training! All positions can be improved with proper training and nutrition. What is the best workout program for baseball players? List type of training, exercises, sets, reps, etc. How would the workouts vary between the different positions? As a strategic type of sport what are some ways players prepare themselves for the mental side of the game?

Bonus Question What Major League baseball player do you think has the most unique training program? Show off your knowledge to the world! The Winners: • ManInTheBox • TUnit • baseballer2150 New Prizes: 1st place - $75 in store credit. 2nd place - $50 in store credit.

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1st Place - ManInTheBox View This Author's BodySpace. The season is almost upon us once again and players around the country are starting to get signed up. Gear up and start training!

All positions can be improved with proper training and nutrition. In recent years, muscle and have come to make big news in the media. For better or for worse, many big names have come out with the alleged use of steroids, or other banned substances in major league baseball. More importantly, let's get to know how we can train, eat, and practice to make ourselves the best at baseball without the use of dangerous substances! I would like to note that this article is going to emphasize actual strength and weight training, and does not include much training as far as throwing or batting drills.

Since these things vary from coach to coach, we are going to just look at strength and endurance training that will help you as a baseball player improve your game! Workout What Is The Best Workout Program For Baseball Players? List Type Of Training, Exercises, Sets, Reps, Etc.

As we all know, there are several different positions in baseball. One common strain between all of these positions is speed. Speed is an important role in all positions. In the workout that we are going to be doing, we are going to focus on explosive behavior. Such exercises will help us with reaction time, strength, and stability.

Since we are talking about a sport here, we are also going to look at some excellent drills for baseball players, and practice techniques that will improve your performance on the field! Day 1 - Monday - Explosive Lifting Day: Hurdle Jumps 4 sets, 6 jumps. These plyometrics are beneficial for any athlete and are used in football commonly; plyometric exercises develop awesome balance and explosive lifting technique. If you are not familiar with how to perform these exercises, make sure that you learn how to. An excellent website that is very informative for teaching lifting and training techniques is. 1 set- 15 reps 2 sets- 8 reps 2 sets- 5 reps 1 set- 2 reps 1 set- 15 reps 2 sets- 8 reps 1 set- 5 reps 3 sets- 2 reps 1 set- 15 reps 3 sets- 8 reps 2 sets- 5 reps The purpose of this workout is to develop explosive lifting technique while remaining very stable.

I believe through the barbell push press, great shoulder strength is achieved, which is vital for a strong swing in baseball. Today will not be the only day we use shoulders though, later in the week we will attack the shoulders using a different variation, striking a different area of the shoulder as well. I chose the front barbell squat also to develop balance, stability, shoulder strength and huge leg strength. The front squat is a challenging exercise that any athlete can benefit from.

Lastly, the barbell bench press. The objective here is clear, to develop a strong pushing through usage of the triceps, shoulders and chest. Another excellent athletic power lift.

Day 2 - Tuesday - Accessory Lifting Day 1/2 mile Light Jog 2 sets of 12 2 sets of 8 3 sets of 8 or 3 sets of 12 2 sets of 8 3 sets of 8 / 3 sets of 12 Today there is a great emphasis placed on the upper body. We are going to hit our back muscles, triceps and shoulders. Not a lot of cardio will be done today, just a light jog to get our hearts pumping, and no plyometrics either. Our weightlifting session should take between 45 minutes and an hour. No longer, and no additional exercises either. Rest is an important aspect of training, and in order to grow and increase strength, you must allow your body plenty of rest. Call it quits, and rest up before tomorrow!

Day 3- Wednesday- Non- Lifting Day Though today is not a lifting day, it is a practice day. Along with your usual coach's practice regimens, there are a few really good exercises, and practice techniques you can go through to improve your baseball success.

The first thing we are going to do is walking lunges. No weight necessary, just bodyweight. We want to shoot for endurance here, so we are going to do walking lunges, between 20 and 50 yards, or whatever distance suits you best. Do these between 2 and 4 sets. Walking Lunges.

The second running technique we are going to look at is high knee runs. These are performed just as they sound.

You choose a stretch, probably between 30 and 50 yards, and run with good form, but great speed, lifting your knees up to your chest with each stride. Remember while performing these to also run on your toes, don't let your heels drop to the ground, this will slow you down. Also, use your arms in this exercise as well. There is a technique called the nose to pocket technique. When you raise your left leg, you raise your right arm to your nose, and vice versa. Do this exercise 2 to 4 sets also.

Jumping Jacks. Hopefully through these accessory endurance workouts, you will notice an increase in speed and endurance. Remember though, do not push yourself too hard today.

Today is supposed to be an off day, and is only meant to keep your endurance up, not to break down muscle tissue or gain great strength. Let's recover and get ready for tomorrow! Day 4 - Thursday- Explosive Lifting Day Hurdle Jumps 4 sets, 6 jumps Dot Drills 3 sets 1 set of 15 reps 2 sets of 8 reps 2 sets of 5 reps 1 set of 2 reps Barbell Jump Squats 2 sets of 15 reps 2 sets of 8 reps 1 set of 5 reps 1 set of 2 reps. Barbell Jump Shrugs.

There you have it, your entire workout. Once again, it looks like it won't take long, which it shouldn't, but I can promise that you will be tired afterward. The idea of today's workout is to increase strength and also focus on endurance.

Once again, we will begin our workout with plyometrics for an increase in balance, speed and agility as well. The power cleans will assist with explosive power for jumping to catch a ball, or accelerating from base to base. The barbell jump squats are an interesting exercise to take a look. These are meant to be performed just like a regular barbell back squat, but on the ascension you will jump at the top of the movement. Use a relatively light weight for this exercise, they are meant for speed and power, but not for usage of maximum weight. Lastly, the barbell jump shrugs. These will hit your upper back and traps well.

Also your shoulders are used, and forearms to hold onto the weight. This is an all- around strength movement, meant for awesome acceleration in the power clean. Day 5 - Friday- Accessory Lifting Day Hill Sprints 4 sets The objective of hill sprints is basic, and very easy to perform.

All you need is a hill. The idea here is to increase stabilization, speed and calf strength. If you can sprint up a fairly steep hill quickly, then running from base to base will be a breeze! 3 sets of 12 reps 3 sets of 8 reps 3 sets of 12 reps 3 sets to failure 3 sets of 12 reps Today's workout is as follows.

Very simple, and basic. The objective here is the hit muscles used in other exercises directly. We actually want to isolate the muscle, which is what we usually aim not to do. But in order to strengthen the muscles we lift explosively with, hitting them directly for a few sets apiece will accelerate growth and strength gains. This workout should take you between 45 minutes and an hour. We don't want to stay in the gym long, we just want to stimulate the unused muscles, and get a good pump. Always remember to warm-up and stretch properly.

In the past few months of my training, I have realized how great stretching is for your performance in the gym! Allow yourself to squat deeper, push farther, and pump longer by allowing yourself a good 15 minutes to stretch your entire body, and warm all of your muscles with low weight. If you are going to barbell bench press, take a few moments to warm-up your shoulders and triceps. Then, use a couple of light dumbbells and do a warm-up set of light flat presses. This will allow a great stretch in the muscles, and pump more blood into the muscle.

There are a lot of myths out there that say stretching makes you weaker. This could not be further from the truth. Ibp 115 2 Crack Fully Working 3ds. Stretching will help your performance in the gym, and on the baseball field! Different Positions How Would The Workouts Vary Between The Different Positions? As we all know, there are 9 fielding positions in baseball. Although all of these positions play their own role in the game of baseball, all positions can benefit from strength and speed training. Pitcher: We see a lot of pitchers these days looking very bulking and muscular.

I am not here to say whether this build is better or worse for a pitcher, but I would say that a pitcher among almost all other positions can benefit very much from explosive lifting techniques, to pitch a ball at the speed of light. Catcher: The catcher needs to have great focus and very quick reflexes. Here again, explosive lifting can benefit the catcher just as much as any other position. All Of The Basemen: All basemen can benefit from speed and strength training. A baseman has to be prepared to sprint anywhere he made need to go in a hurry to get the runner out. Explosive training will decrease reaction time and increase reflexes.

Shortstop: The same as basemen, the shortstop must be ready for short, quick bursts of energy. He must be prepared to sprint from one spot to another to achieve an out. Left Field, Center Field, Right Field: Outfielders must be prepared to run wherever they may need to go to catch the ball. They must have coordination in order to run and keep an eye on the ball at the same time.

Explosive training helps with coordination and increases the habit of always remaining focused. Also, throwing a ball from far out in left field to first base requires a certain amount of strength. Through proper training, such acts of strength may be achieved. Through all these positions, we see a common strain. All positions require great coordination and quick reaction times.

We want to see explosive, yet controlled movement in baseball players. By following the training regimen that I created for improved success in baseball, you will see results. Mental Preparation As A Strategic Type Of Sport What Are Some Ways Players Prepare Themselves For The Mental Side Of The Game? In any competitive sport, this plays a huge role in the success of your game.

You have to learn to ignore the jeers from the crowd or the taunting behavior of the opposing team. There are a few methods that you can use to get your mind off of the stress of the game and focus on something else.

Be confident. There is nothing more powerful than confidence. Being confident in the game, and not letting the opposing team member get the best of you is very powerful. They feed on seeing you stress and messing with your head. If you remain serious, and keep your head in the game, they will be the ones worrying!

Here again, this will throw the other team off. If you walk into this timid and quiet, they know that they are intimidating you. Chase Online there. If you act friendly, at least in a non-standoffish way, you will intimidate them, and make them start worrying that you have the best of them!

Do not start thinking about that girl that you want to date, or that test you failed. Distractions such as these will mess up your game. You must remain focused on the game, and not let things like this get to you. Though it may sound cold-hearted, you have to learn to ignore these outside distractions until the game is over. When you hit that homerun, you'll know it was worth it! Bonus Question What Major League Baseball Player Do You Think Has The Most Unique Training Program? Aside from all of the accusations, and rumors that Barry Bonds took steroids, it is worth taking a look at his training regimen.

Barry acknowledges all of his large muscle groups, and does not focus on a lot of the smaller, less used muscles such as the biceps. His training regimen looks like this: Monday: Chest & Biceps. • • • • • • • • • • Barry also keeps a strict diet, similar to a bodybuilder's. Diet is very important in any sport training!

Without enough,, and, your body will not get stronger, and your muscles will not grow. Keep in mind that taking a good, and eating enough food will keep your body in optimum condition. Also, water is one of your body's essential nutrients, so drink plenty of it! Final Thoughts I hope through this article you can improve your game of baseball.

It has been a favorite of mine for years and have played in summer and school leagues for years. I love the sport and hope that sharing my methods of training can help you accelerate your game! For any questions on specific training or nutrition, feel free to contact me. • • • 2nd Place - TUnit View This Author's BodySpace.

The Best Baseball Workouts The season is almost upon us once again and players around the country are starting to get signed up. Gear up and start training! All positions can be improved with proper training and nutrition. Workout What Is The Best Workout Program For Baseball Players? List Type Of Training, Exercises, Sets, Reps, Etc.

Sample Program For Pitchers: Deload by Removing Long and Short Toss every 4 weeks. Monday - Upper Body Weight Training A.M.

• Swing Technique Work - 30 minutes • Batting Practice - 150-200 hits Sunday - OFF Different Positions How Would The Workouts Vary Between The Different Positions? The workouts from the weight training perspective would not vary greatly but the actual work outside of the weight room would be where the training variances would occur. For example, pitchers train differently than hitters and there would be some differences between position players as well. • Speed • Maximum power output • Specific position skills Baseball is a game of bursts of a player creating the most force possible in the shortest amount of time and then having several seconds, possibly minutes in between bursts. This includes, throw and/or pitching, swinging a bat, stealing a base, chasing down a fly ball, essentially all activities done throughout the course of a game.

Due to the way the game is played two key aspects are different from training for other programs. The necessity of explosive rotation and as over-hand throwers a baseball training program must also be safe for the rotator cuff. Generally speaking this means less emphasis on presses, both overhead and bench. Throwing and hitting are incredibly complex and very specific to baseball; no lifts can mimic the necessary skills. The goal of a baseball training program is to make the player a better athlete, allowing this increased athleticism to be applied to baseball skills for improvement in power, speed and velocity. For baseball, I'm a fan of something the style of a modified Westside program.

Much like Joe Defranco's west side for skinny bastards routine. Except more baseball specific, less presses and the strongman training day are not necessary for a ballplayer. Essentially using the Russian Conjugate method, a baseball player can increase both their ability to be explosive and to create maximal force. The program is based on an upper/lower 4 day split. Baseball players do not need much isolation exercise at all so doing a routine with body part splits like back/bicep day is not necessary and will really not improve your athletic performance, simply put that is a bodybuilding routine not an athlete's routine.

I prefer box squats to regular squats. They emphasize the posterior chain more than a traditional squat. For an athlete, the posterior chain is unbelievably important. Running and jumping ability come from one's posterior chain. Thus sitting back with a box squat is more effective than the quad-dominant traditional squat. Also box squats generally do not make you as sore, so you can keep doing other training that is noted.

Technically the squat types can be used more or less interchangeably if you are dead set on doing regular squats. Lower Body A. • Do the following with fast explosive reps to failure, 3 sets each • Superset 3x 8-12 of each A rowing exercise • Superset 3x 8-12 of each 3x 8-12 3x 8-12 • Medicine Ball Circuit 10 reps each One step wall throw Side Throws (Throw both directions) Diagonal Chop (Throw both directions) Over the back Toss Notes: Change the box height every few workouts, use something like 2' above parallel, parallel, and 2' below parallel. Be careful with both bench press and push press. They are stressful on the rotator cuff. As a baseball player, you aren't trying to set any bench press records, that's not why you are in the gym.

So use a smart weight on press, but still challenge yourself. For any exercise that is at 3 x 8-12, focus on explosiveness and bar speed You also should be throwing at least 2 times per week, suggested are on Saturday and Wednesday. If you are a pitcher you should also be throwing off a mound and probably more than twice per week. This workout should not make you so sore that you cannot work on your baseball skills. Different Positions How Would The Workouts Vary Between The Different Positions? Most positions can work off of this program, including pitchers. Pitchers may choose to remove the presses, although I do not see a problem with presses as long as you are not trying to max out.

Pitchers will often increase their amount of single leg work by adding another single leg lift to their routine. The plant leg is so critical to have control and endurance throughout the game.

In a position where speed is critical a player may choose to add plyometrics to their routine. This would be done on upper body days. • Depth Jumps 2x 10-15 • Box Jumps 2x 10-15 • Hurdle Jumps 2x 10-15 • Lateral Jumps 2x 10-15 It is extremely important for an athlete to have ample recovery time after a set of plyos. These are intended to be at 100% effort and thus you want to be fully recovered before doing the next set. Mental Preparation As A Strategic Type Of Sport What Are Some Ways Players Prepare Themselves For The Mental Side Of The Game?

Ballplayers need to envision success in order to be successful. Baseball is a game in which the best players fail more times than they succeed. Thus you have to envision success as you may go long stretches without consistent success.

Music before the game and quiet reflection before can really get a player 'in the zone.' Pitchers do well by going through what they intend to do on the mound pre-game. They should envision throwing their game and to manipulate and control the hitters at the plate.

Because a ballplayer will fail so often it is important to have some swagger to a degree. You should still have great respect for your teammates, but any time you step onto the field you should be telling yourself you're about to defeat your opponents.