This script will uninstall ALL versions of Citrix online plugin AND Receiver and then install Citrix Receiver, it should work for any version of Receiver but I wrote it for 3.4. The script should work on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, and Windows 2008 R2 but I haven't tested it on all so let me know if you get an issues. It first kills the processes that can prevent uninstall and then at the end it checks that PnSson is in the network binding provider order as I have been having problems with this and it stops single sign on working. Under the ##InstallReceiver section you need to edit $InstallFiles= Enter the full path to the CitrixReceiverEnterprise.exe.
N.B This path needs to be in your I.E Local intranet sites to prevent a Open File - Security Warning appearing $ArgumentList= Add or remove all your required features including updating SERVER_LOCATION with the path to your services site. I have included the options I use See eDocs for the command line install options. Studio Music Garageband Apk Download Free. Excellent article. I am trying to run a computer startup script using powershell to install the Citrix Receiver version 4 and enable SSON, not the Receiver Enterprise 3.4 (Legacy PNA).
The issue I am having is that to enable the SSON it has to be installed as an administrator. The behaviour I am experiencing is that the Citrix Receiver is being installed by the startup script and on reviewing the network Adapter>Advanced Settings it is showing the SSON on the network binding order. However the ssonsrv.exe process is not running for any user logging onto the PC and hence on connecting to storefront it prompts for credentials. I have the GPO in place to enable ICA pass-through authentication, storefront is configured to enable pass through authentication and the storefront server is in IE trusted sites. I reckon the cause is that the computer startup script is failing to install the Citrix Receiver in administrative mode.
Do you have a way of forcing the install in admin mode to ensure the ssonsrv.exe is running for all users of the PC. I need to roll out Receiver to a load of PCs and do not have the luxury of SCCM and not impressed with merchandising server or it's future development. Many thanks for the prompt reply.
I thought about using GPO software deployment. However I thought this only worked with msi files and not exe files. The new receiver is only supplied as an exe file, and extracting the exe file uing WinRAR produces the msi's as well as a lot of individual dlls etc. Not sure how to deploy these for a smooth deployment using GPO software deployment.
Using Powershell to pass the password in and out appears to be an option, however not clear how to pass the credentials to the Start-Process for the receiver install in the startup script for all PCs booting up as opposed to an individual user and most recommend to encrypt the password for security. I am getting some strange errors when executing this powerShell Script, any ideas? At C:UsersuserDesktopremovecitrix.ps1:21 char:50 + $Guids='DAA13EB6-C53F-4038-9880-C310500B49E9','3049E69E-74F2-48C0. + ~ Ampersand not allowed.
The & operator is reserved for future use; use '&' to pass ampersand as a string. At C:UsersuserDesktopremovecitrix.ps1:21 char:57 + $Guids='DAA13EB6-C53F-4038-9880-C310500B49E9','3049E69E-74F2-48C0.
Installing add-on using System Center 2016 Configuration Manager. Is required to install HDX RTME 2.3 and Citrix Receiver. The silent installation parameter. Deploy Citrix Unattended: Receiver and plug-ins. Citrix Receiver for Windows 4.0/4.1 – Citrix eDocs; Silent installation of Citrix Reciever
+ ~ Missing expression after unary operator ','. At C:UsersuserDesktopremovecitrix.ps1:21 char:57 + $Guids='DAA13EB6-C53F-4038-9880-C310500B49E9','3049E69E-74F2-48C0. + ~ Unexpected token '&' in expression or statement. At C:UsersuserDesktopremovecitrix.ps1:21 char:99 +. A1-9CD8125588E9','956F3E9A-3AED-40F8-8522-5F6A524CFC3E', + ~ Ampersand not allowed.
The & operator is reserved for future use; use '&' to pass ampersand as a string. At C:UsersuserDesktopremovecitrix.ps1:21 char:106 +. 125588E9','956F3E9A-3AED-40F8-8522-5F6A524CFC3E', + ~ Missing expression after unary operator ','. At C:UsersuserDesktopremovecitrix.ps1:21 char:106 +. 125588E9','956F3E9A-3AED-40F8-8522-5F6A524CFC3E', + ~ Unexpected token '&' in expression or statement. At C:UsersuserDesktopremovecitrix.ps1:21 char:148 +. 22-5F6A524CFC3E', + ~ Ampersand not allowed.
The & operator is reserved for future use; use '&' to pass ampersand as a string. At C:UsersuserDesktopremovecitrix.ps1:21 char:155 +. 524CFC3E', + ~ Missing expression after unary operator ','. At C:UsersuserDesktopremovecitrix.ps1:21 char:155 +. 524CFC3E', + ~ The '. Yeah, pretty easy to do. Set some variables at the beginning of the script like this $LogFilePath= serversharelog.txt $Username = $env:username Then at the end of the script do something like this Add-Content -Path $LogFilePath -Value $Username This will just log the username to a log file at the end of the script, it will not say whether the script sucessfully uninstalled the Citrix clients.
That will take a bit more work. You might have to check event logs for certain events or check installed Programs etc.
Hope this helps. Hello Shaun, This is my first time trying to uninstall and install any software using scripts and Group Policy. When my company first implemented Citrix Receiver we did it on a per machine basis, manually, as we were smaller. I have been tasked with rolling out the newest version of receiver using GP. I downloaded the batch files from the ISO on our XenApp servers as the Citrix site explained.
I got them to work and then I found your site and you are doing exactly what I want to do. Anyway I am trying to follow your powershell script by adding in the location of the executable on my network but have very little experience with powershell and I am unclear of exactly where and what I need to put in the various locations. I know this is a vague request but any help would be greatly appreciated. When running the script I get the following message: PS C:citrix>.CitrixClientUninstallandReinstallScript.ps1 Start-Process: This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file specified. At C:citrixCitrixClientUninstallandReinstallScript.ps1:57 char:9 + Start-Process -FilePath $InstallDir -ArgumentList '/uninstall /cleanup /. + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process], InvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand Start-Process: This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file specified. At C:citrixCitrixClientUninstallandReinstallScript.ps1:57 char:9 + Start-Process -FilePath $InstallDir -ArgumentList '/uninstall /cleanup /.
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process], InvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand Start-Process: This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file specified. At C:citrixCitrixClientUninstallandReinstallScript.ps1:64 char:1 + Start-Process -FilePath $InstallDir -ArgumentList '/uninstall /cleanup /silent'. + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process], InvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand •. I was able to get past the initial error now but now it appears not to be able to read the arguments properties correctly. Start-Process: This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file specified.
At C:citrixicaCitrixClientUninstallandReinstallScript.ps1:57 char:9 + Start-Process -FilePath $InstallDir -ArgumentList '/uninstall /cleanup /. + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process], InvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand Start-Process: This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file specified. At C:citrixicaCitrixClientUninstallandReinstallScript.ps1:57 char:9 + Start-Process -FilePath $InstallDir -ArgumentList '/uninstall /cleanup /. + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process], InvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands. Descargar Logos 5 Software Biblico Gratis more. StartProcessCommand /silent: The term '/silent' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At C:citrixicaCitrixClientUninstallandReinstallScript.ps1:74 char:17 + $ArgumentList = /silent /includeSSON ADDLOCAL=ReceiverInside,ICA_Client,PN_Agent. + ~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: ObjectNotFound: (/silent:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: CommandNotFoundException Start-Process: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'FilePath'. The argument is null or empty. Supply an argument that is not null or empty and then try the command again.
At C:citrixicaCitrixClientUninstallandReinstallScript.ps1:76 char:25 + Start-Process -FilePath $InstallFiles -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -wait + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidData: (:) [Start-Process], ParameterBindingValidationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand •. I have used this excellent script for some months as a shutdown-script and it has worked in most cases. On very few computers we had to run ReceiverCleanUp Utility manually. I have modified the script with the logging function described in a comment by Shaun and the check for previous versions Nicolaj suggests. When running the script as a shutdown script, single signon will work on the next logon - no need for extra restarts. When installing/upgrading a new version it will do this in about 30 Seconds.
The script will not uninstall Receiver versions 4.x. To do this you can use the following line just before '##Install Receiver' section: Start-Process -FilePath $InstallFiles -ArgumentList '/uninstall /cleanup /silent' -wait (The $InstallFiles variable contains the path+filename to the new CitrixReceiver.exe file). Thanks Shaun!