Gambler Movie Songs Mp3 Free Download. Creating avatar:: 1. Find someone who already posted their avatar on their profile (can't find one? Go to my gaia friends and type in xx anime azn girl xx:) on their dream avatar 3. If it says youll be going outta Gaia click the red letters 4. Click CREATE AVATAR 5.
Create your avatar and hit SAVE Posting your avatar::: 1. After you tagged your avatar, go to search and choose which you wanna post 2. Copy the URL 3. Go to your profile and go to where you wanna post it (about me, details, signature etc.) 4. Paste the URL 5. Hit UPDATE and SAVE 6. VIEW YOUR PRO 7.DONE!
♥ (if you want to view you avatars cost and items, copy and paste the other URL -across from avartars estimated amount-) BAI!!!!!:) ☺♥.
Jun 25, 2010 Have you ever wanted to make your dream avatar that you wish one day your gaiaonline avatar would look like well you can at: Gaia released their own Dream Avatar Builder a while back. Swap Magic 3 8 Ps2 Iso On Ps3. It's alright, I guess? As others mentioned, the tags that they put on items are pretty weird.