For all out there with problems using the all these Tomtom tools: PW: downunder In it you will find a patcher frontend,a dct frontend (for the activation of the maps), the PNA Infotool and some more extra gadgets. You can browse for all the files,so no need to copy something from your device to your PC. All in a few simple steps. Install Apache Thrift Windows. Works for all Tomtom PNA's and the Windows versions as well. You can use the meta.txt from Keygen3.1 or simply load the latest meta.txt from inside the tool. Problems formatting your card? No more as a formatter is included as well Please be aware that I just finnished the translation of this tool and if you find any major errors for the translation let me know!
Easytools Front End Keygen Anleitung Schleifen Thu. Make more music and sound amazing with Reason from Propellerhead. Front End User Registration A self.
Thanks for supplying a user friendly tool. I have some questions / suggestions.
1) what does the patcher frontend do - and where do I find the required file when I select 'choose file'? 2) for the DCT frontend 2a) step 1 - do I use the existing.bif file in my root directory? 2b) step 2 - do I use the existing.meta file in my existing map folders? 2c) step 3 - when I create the.meta dct file it also tries to create.meta files for all POIs (this only occurs for my Australia map) 2d) step 4 - it may be better to call this button 'load NEW Meat.txt' I think. The confirmation message associated with this button is still in german.
3) Bootloader info - I'm not sure what to do when using the 'choose system' button. The PNA tool option shows you the bootloader version and I'm not sure what this tab is meant to do??? 4) I used the SD format option and it appeared to work OK (using card reader) but when I went to Windows XP it asked me to format the card - which I did but not sure why it didn't recognise the Easyusetool formatting?? Hope the above makes some sense. Questions 1 to 3 are basic knowledge. Further info can be found in the tutorials Step 4 is for the 'END' button and I don't know why it should be labeled 'load NEW Meat.txt' as you can't load MEAT with it anyway. I also posted several thing about the bootloader,which in fact is the file 'system' - so I don't know why it would be sou hard to understand that part.
You said it is a user friendly tool,but from your posting it seems you don't understand any part of it,except the SD format tool. Just one example for the patcher: if you check the filetype you notice it says: ttsystem.dll and PNDNavigator - so what it so complicated?
Don't get me wrong but your posting is just confusing. DU What may be basic knowledge to some, may not be to others.
That's why forums exist, to ask questions when one is not sure and quite often it's just as easy to provide a 'yes' or 'no' response as it is to provide cryptic answers. To each his own. Just one example for the patcher: if you check the filetype you notice it says: ttsystem.dll and PNDNavigator - so what it so complicated? I still don't understand what the patcher does (in plain english) and what specific file to look for - is it the ttsystem file or some.dll files or both? In step 4 I was referring to the button to the left of the END button - It does not have a step associated to it but I assume it is there for some reason?? I'm only trying to learn as I go, and hopefully my questions will also help others who aren't as enlightened as you DU. Also thought some feedback may be construed in a positive light.
Ahh,ok -I did not know that you have not done anything like that yet! I'm sure I won't get everything,but I start with the Frontend functions: The patcher frontend can patch all files that are being patched automatically by some othe Keygens - like the 3.1G,but you have to/can choose the file(s): ttsystem is the part of the Navcore that starts everything and checks the security. You only patch it if it is an original from Tomtom.
Same goes for the PNDNavigator file (not all Navcores have it!!): if you have that in your Navcore you patch this file instead of the ttsystem! The Home dll only need patching for the function 'operate my GO/ONE' -all other Home functions and updates will work normally. The 'system' file does not need patching! The DCT frontend activates your map. All files,except the 'ttgo.bif and meta.txt' are located in your map folder. The ttgo.bif contains your serial and device id which is needed to generate the right codes and the 'meta.txt' contains the 'blowfish codes' for all the maps.
So the 'meta.txt','ttgo.bif' and the xxxx.meta' are used to generate the xxxx.dct file that activates the map for the use on your device. Ttgo.bif is in the root of your device and the meta.txt usually in the folder of the keygen. The PNA info tool gives you the same informations like you get on your Tomtom's status screen. Like Device ID,serial number,bootloader version and so on.
Useful info if you ask for help! The bootloader info reads the file 'system' in the root of your device and shows you the bootloader version - can be used to check the version if you downloaded a bootloader somewhere as well. The rest should be pretty clear anyway!?? DU and others - some queries below in red - hope someone can help.
Same goes for the PNDNavigator file (not all Navcores have it!!): if you have that in your Navcore you patch this file instead of the ttsystem! The Home dll only need patching for the function 'operate my GO/ONE' -all other Home functions and updates will work normally.
The 'system' file does not need patching! Now running Navcore 9004.1804 - When I use the EasyUse tool I select the PNDNavigator file from my root directory to patch it but when I go to step 2) and hit the button it comes up with the message - Patcher Output - Can't Find' yet the file is definitely there. The DCT frontend activates your map. All files,except the 'ttgo.bif and meta.txt' are located in your map folder.
The ttgo.bif contains your serial and device id which is needed to generate the right codes and the 'meta.txt' contains the 'blowfish codes' for all the maps. So the 'meta.txt','ttgo.bif' and the xxxx.meta' are used to generate the xxxx.dct file that activates the map for the use on your device.
Ttgo.bif is in the root of your device and the meta.txt usually in the folder of the keygen. I'm using Keygen 3.1G and the Meta.txt is in the folder. When I go to step 2) choose the.Meta of the map, I followed your instructions and tried to select the meta.txt file in the Keygen folder, but the only file types I'm allowed to select are 1 meta-file (the.txt file does not show up in the folder when this is selected 2 ttgo.bif. 3 *.dll 4 system file There is no option to select a.txt file - how do I select the meta.txt file located in the Keygen folder???
Hi guys, I have been reading through threads on various sites andtrying to follow the instrucions for installing a navcore and getting UK maps to work on my TOM TOM One. I have been told that because my TomTom One is so old that I can only use Navcore version 7 on it, is this correct? And if so where can I find it. I have been looking for weeks now and am really struggling.
Can someone please help with the following also. 1: Can I use anything higher than Navcore 7 on my TomTom one or do I have to use a specific Navcore? 2: Do I have to use a specific map for the version of navcore I am useing? 3: can anyone point me in the right direction for downloads? I have the easyusetools and have downloaded a navcore v8 and a UK maps but can't seemt oget the combination right to make my TomTom One work. Please can someone helo me.
Thanks in advance guys John (please feel free to PM me with any links lol). You are confusing me here. You are using Easyusetools Fronend and in the next step Keygen3.1G,but there is no step2 choose.Meta of map in Keygen3.1G. If you need help you have to be prezise,otherwise I don't have a clue what you are doing! For the 9.004 you use the supplied SE ttsystem - unless you have a GO950!
Keygen3.1G runs automatically with a connected Tomtom - all you need is klick on 'make map' keys,and confirm that by clicking on 'write DCT's' in the next screen. My apology _ I meant to indicate that I have downloaded Keygen 3.1G and intended to use the Meta.txt file that is contained within the 3.1G folder- as per your previous instructions. In my post above I amd referring to the steps in Easyuse tool and hope my 2 queries njow make more sense. As I was having trouble with Easyuse tool, I also tried Keygen 3.1G. I have used the Keygen tool on my unit and it works OK, but when I try it (or 3.1F) on the SD card (using card reader) I always get the message: 'H: australia 2419 p.exe only part of a readprocessmemory or writeprocessmemory request was completed.' I have re-formatted card numerous times and reloaded Navcore and maps - any ideas?? Are you using 3.1G or 3.1F?
There should not be any.exe in the mapfolder! Again just to make it clear: 1.Put a Navcore of your choice on the Tomtom (all files and folder are to be copied/extracted into the root of the device).
2.Make a new folder in the root of the device and copy all files for the map of your choice in it - don't make a sub-folder for the map files! 3.Start your Tomtom and 'play' with it till you got the error message in regards to the map. 4.Restart and connect to the PC (make sure TT Home is not running in the background).
5.Check if you have a ttgo.bif in the root of your device and start keygen3.1G. 6.Activate the map and patch the ttsystem/PNDNavigator if using an original Navcore from Tomtom. If still not working than you are doing something wrong. Are you using 3.1G or 3.1F? I'm using 3.1G but have also kept a copy of 3.1F just in case my 3.1G was corrupt for some reason - both versions yield the same problem. There should not be any.exe in the mapfolder! The only 'application' files in my folders (Aus, NZ, USA) are Blowfish, check, keygen and 'p'.
Again just to make it clear: 1.Put a Navcore of your choice on the Tomtom (all files and folder are to be copied/extracted into the root of the device). DONE - I used 9004.1804 and put all files and folders on the SD card root 2.Make a new folder in the root of the device and copy all files for the map of your choice in it - don't make a sub-folder for the map files! DONE - I copied the entire map folders (3 off) from the backup on my PC to the root of the SD card. 3.Start your Tomtom and 'play' with it till you got the error message in regards to the map. Done - One question though.
The Aus and NZ maps I copied from my backup and hence they have already had the Keygen run on them previoulsy (i.e before backup) but the USA map has not been installed yet and no Keygen run - does this matter if I mix a 'fresh' map with ' backup' maps?? 4.Restart and connect to the PC (make sure TT Home is not running in the background). DONE - TT home is disabled 5.Check if you have a ttgo.bif in the root of your device and start keygen3.1G. Yes ttgo.bif is there in the root of the SD card - when I start keygen 3.1G I select the make DCT I get the following message 'H:australia 2419p.exe only part of a readprocessmemory or writeprocessmemory request was completed.' 6.Activate the map and patch the ttsystem/PNDNavigator if using an original Navcore from Tomtom. As I'm using Navcore 9004.1804 I believe I don't need to do this patch If still not working than you are doing something wrong. Concrete Mix Design Software Free Download.
I hope the above has identified an error on my behalf - I'm stumped. As I said: only the map files belong into the map folders!
Don't know why you have these other files in there -remove them! You need a patched Navcore for the downloaded maps and your original map won't work with a patched Navcore - so you have to activate it too with the keygen (keep your original files and Navcore somewhere safe on the PC). Just delete all.dct files from the map folders. 'Yes ttgo.bif is there in the root of the SD card - when I start keygen 3.1G I select the make DCT I get the following message 'H:australia 2419p.exe only part of a readprocessmemory or writeprocessmemory request was completed.' ' - as I said: only the mapfiles are in the map folders,nothing else!!! You run the Keygen from your PC! For the V9 you still need the SE ttsystem to make it work!
If you can't get the Keygen3.1 to work use Easy Actvatir instead - you can browse for the files and it has a good help built in! I re-formatted the SD card and started again.
Yes I am using a card reader deleted existing Keygen folder and unziped a fresh copy reloaded Navcore and map folders onto SD card put SD card into GO720 and started it - found the 3 maps on my SD card. I,e, seemed to boot directly from the card as expected. Turned of my device and removed the SD card put card into reader, terminated TT Home as it was starting, and then ran 3.1G (after checking that ttgo.bif was in root of card) key generated OK for Aus and NZ map but then when attempting to get key for USA map the usual message came up: 'H:USAp.exe only part of a readprocessmemory or writeprocessmemory request was completed.' Now once again the 'application' files are in the map folder and the files in the Aus and NZ folder all look corrupted. The USA map contains a subfolder of all the 'brand' logos - called brand - is this OK. Do you think something may be wrong with the USA map - it was a download I received directly from you - not sure if you have ever used it.
I'm using XP so should be more reliable than Vista (I hope) I did use HJSPLIT - it created the USA_835_2460 folder as well as a folder called U046 (which appears empty other than a subfolder 'newfolder' which is empty. The files in the USA_835_2460 folder look normal - i.e.
Same number and type of files as in other maps so it appears OK. The exception is the Brand folder and you've cleared that one. I've redone everything and only put the Aus and NZ maps on the SD card - all seemed to work fine, Keygen worked and the maps work. I did notice that on my device now there are 2 copies of each map available when I switch maps - is this normal or should I only be able to see the maps from the SD card? I called the map folders on the card 'card_NZ and card_Aus' to try to uniquely idetify them but the 2 maps of Aus available on the unit share the same name - ditto for NZ. Does the name of the folder on the SD card realte to the names of maps shown on the device? I'm now trying to load the USA map onto the card and then run the Keygen - will let you know what happens.
Thanks for your patience. UPDATE: I copied the USA folder onto the SD card and tried running Keygen 3.1G - it immediately came up with the message 'H:Australia_2419p.exe only part of a readprocessmemory or writeprocessmemory request was completed.' After the message the Keygen shutsdown automatically. I then looked at the Aus and NZ folders on the card and now the blowfish, check, keygen and 'p' application files are in each of the 3 map folders. I'm positive none of these folders had these application files before I tried running Keygen 3.1G on the USA map. Does it matter if I have already run Keygen on 2 of the maps and then try to run a keygen on a new map added subsequently to the SD card?? I note that dct files were created for both the Aus and NZ maps but not for the USA map.
I'm narrowing it down but still no solution.