Author by: Jorge Dagnino Language: en Publisher by: Springer Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 22 Total Download: 500 File Size: 47,6 Mb Description: This is a study of the Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana (FUCI) between 1925 and 1943, the organisation of Catholic Action for the university sector. The FUCI is highly significant to the study of Catholic politics and intellectual ideas, as a large proportion of the future Christian Democrats who ruled the country after World War II were formed within the ranks of the federation. In broader terms, this is a contribution to the historiography of Fascist Italy and of Catholic politics and mentalities in Europe in the mid- twentieth century.
Download immediato per Elementi di Economia e Politica Agraria, E-book di, pubblicato da Edizioni Simone. Disponibile in PDF. Acquistalo su Libreria Universitaria! Elementi di economia del turismo Download elementi di economia del turismo or read online here in PDF or EPUB. Politico prima che disciplinare.
It sets out to prove the fundamental ideological, political, social and cultural influences of Catholicism on the making of modern Italy and how it was inextricably linked to more secular forces in the shaping of the nation and the challenges faced by an emerging mass society. Furthermore, the book explores the influence exercised by Catholicism on European attitudes towards modernisation and modernity, and how Catholicism has often led the way in the search for a religious alternative modernity that could countervail the perceived deleterious effects of the Western liberal version of modernity. Author by: Riccardo Faucci Language: en Publisher by: Routledge Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 82 Total Download: 676 File Size: 49,8 Mb Description: This book provides the non-Italian scholar with an extensive picture of the development of Italian economics, from the Sixteenth century to the present. The thread of the narrative is the dialectics between economic theory and political action, where the former attempts to enlighten the latter, but at the same time receives from politics the main stimulus to enlarge its field of reflection. This is particularly clear during the Enlightenment. Inside, this book insists on stressing that Galiani, Verri, and Beccaria were economists quite sensitive to practical issues, but who also were willing to attain generally valid conclusions.
In this sense, 'pure economics' was never performed in Italy. Even Pareto used economics (and sociology) in order to interpret and possibly steer the course of political action. Within this book it illustrates the Restoration period (1815-48). There was a slowdown of the economists' engagement, due to an adverse political situation, that prompted the economists to prefer less dangerous subjects, such as the relationship between economics, morals, and law (the main interpreter of this attitude was Romagnosi). After 1848, however, in parallel with the Risorgimento cultural climate, a new vision of the economists' task was eventually manifested.
Between economics and political Liberalism a sort of alliance was established, whose prophet was F. While the Historical school of economics of German origin played a minor role, Pure Economics (1890-1940 approx.) had a considerable success, as regards both economic equilibrium and the theory of public finance. Consequently, the introduction of Keynes's ideas was rather troubled.
Instead, Hayek had an immediate success. This book concludes with a chapter devoted to the intense relationships between economic theories, economic programmes and political action after 1945. Here, the Sraffa debate played an important role in stimulating Italian economists to a reflection on the patterns of Italian economy and the possibilities of transforming Italy's economic and social structure. Ny I Norge Tekstbok Pdf Files. Author by: NA NA Language: en Publisher by: Springer Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 15 Total Download: 276 File Size: 52,7 Mb Description: The award-winning The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition is now available as a dynamic online resource.
Consisting of over 1,900 articles written by leading figures in the field including Nobel prize winners, this is the definitive scholarly reference work for a new generation of economists. Regularly updated! This product is a subscription based product. Author by: Massimo M. Augello Language: en Publisher by: Routledge Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 81 Total Download: 861 File Size: 53,5 Mb Description: The book studies the origins and evolution of economic textbooks in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, up to the turning point represented by Paul Samuelson’s Economics (1948), which became the template for all the textbooks of the postwar period. The case studies included in the book cover a large part of Europe, the British Commonwealth, the United States and Japan.
Each chapter examines various types of textbooks, from those aimed at self-education to those addressed to university students, secondary school students, to the short manuals aimed at the popularisation of political economy among workers and the middle classes. An introductory chapter examines this phenomenon in a comparative and transnational perspective. Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising Download Torrent Iso.