Hicom Cable The cable with plug-integrated electronic has been developed as an inexpensive alternative for the original siemens-cable (which is not available anymore). It can be used to maintain and check the online-costs for TK-systems of the Siemens Hicom 100E series. This includes the Hicom 108, 112 and 118 series as well. The systems Telekom Octopus E10, E20 and E30 are identically constructed too. Download Apple Mobile Device Recovery Mode Driver Xp.
Some customer reports indicate, the the cable can be used for the Siemens OfficeOne and OfficeStart-systems. But a warranty can not be given for this units. The Hicom 116 by Siemens is not configurable by a personal computer, but our cable could be used to back-up the customer-specific settings of the system to a hard drive of a PC and check the online-costs. Waldorf Blofeld License Sl Hack more. Interface of the PC Please select the same baud rate at both interfaces, a rate of 2400 or 9600 can be used. Be aware that some restrictions could apply here if you extend the lenght of the cable.
If you plan to use the cable for registration of costs with a printer, a applicable adapter between sub-D-plug and serial interface has to be used. These system has to be configured accordingly for that as well. Please be aware that a firmware update, as done with original siemens cables, is not recommended here.
The update could lead to a possible damage of the cable. Differing to the original cable there is no separation of potentials integrated, since this is normaly not necessary. Other manufactors and newer Siemens-PBX doesn't have separation of potentials. V.24 configuration of Hicom choose baud rate.
Phone or via Hicom Assistant E. The status of the subscribers is displayed (free, busy, called). Hicom Attendant P This software package emulates the. Cdr on hipath 3800 v8 via lan-tcp - siemens: hicom. HiPath Manager E is the Administration Software for the HiPath. Study guide for medical assistant.