Title: ENDANGERED SPECIES 1 ENDANGERED SPECIES By Jack Darby Steven Clapham Stephen Garvani Tim Thirtle Richard Hutchinson 2 ENDANGERED SPECIES What is an Endangered Species? • An endangered species is any plant or animal species that is in danger of extinction in the near future, either because its populations have fallen to very low levels, or because it only occurs naturally in very few, rare habitats. • An endangered species has been put under pressure by different factors within the surrounding environment, such as deforestation (the destruction of habitat) and poaching (for sport, etc.). It is these factors and more which make an endangered species, endangered. 3 ENDANGERED SPECIES The stages of depletion 1.) VULNERABLE SPECIES A species particularly at risk because of low or declining numbers or small range, but not a threatened species. 2.) THREATENED SPECIES A species whose population is not yet low enough to be in immediate danger of extinction, but who certainly faces serious problems. If the problems affecting these species arent resolved, it is probable that the species will become endangered.
List of endangered animals in India This article needs to be updated. It contains 132 species of plants and animals in India listed as critically endangered.
The eastern indigo snake and the red kangaroo are examples of threatened species. 4 ENDANGERED SPECIES The stages of depletion 3.) ENDANGERED SPECIES A specie, plant or animal, that is in immediate danger of becoming extinct. Its numbers are usually low, and it needs protection in order to survive. Pvptool Latest Version Cracked!.
The Siberian tiger, the southern sea otter, the snow leopard, the green pitcher plant, and thousands of other plants and animals are endangered worldwide. 4.) EXTINCT SPECIES An extinct species is one that is no longer living. The passenger pigeon, the dodo, and the Stegosaurus are examples of extinct species. These animals no longer exist on the earth. 5 ENDANGERED SPECIES The hard facts • According to scientists, more than one and a half million species exist on the earth today. However, recent estimates state that at least 20 times that many species inhabit the planet. • In the United States, 735 species of plants and 496 species of animals are listed as threatened or endangered.
• 266 of these listed species have recovery plans currently under development. • There are more than 1,000 animal species endangered worldwide.
• There are more than 3,500 protected areas in existence worldwide. These areas include parks, wildlife refuges and other reserves.
They cover a total of nearly 2 million square miles (5 million square km), or 3 of our total land area. • Aquatic species, which are often overlooked, are facing serious trouble. One third of the United States fish species, two-thirds of its crayfish species, and almost three-quarters of its mussel species are in trouble. • The current global extinction rate is estimated at 20,000 species per year. Usp 32 Free Download Pdf. 6 ENDANGERED SPECIES Current affairs The following current affairs have recently been on the news Monarch butterflies in Mexico • Mexico is currently cracking down on illegal logging to save migrating Monarch butterflies.
• Police and environmental inspectors have already closed down 17 saw mills to protect forests in Michoacan state, where the butterflies spend the winter. • They have confiscated more than 300 truckloads of wood from illegally felled trees, and arrested 28 people. • Details of the authorities latest effort to curve the threat were disclosed at a news conference in Mexico City. • Mexicos top environmental prosecutor, Jose Luis Luege Tamargo, said illegal loggers faced jail sentences of three to five years. 7 ENDANGERED SPECIES Current affairs Annual Red List of endangered species • Another 2000 species have been added to this list. • Since AD 1500, IUCN says 762 plants and animals have vanished, with another 58 known only in cultivation or captivity.
• IUCN says that island wildlife is being lost through the effects of invasive alien species. Examples of these islands are Tristan da Cunha, St. Helena and the Falkland Islands, which are facing unrelenting pressure from invaders, grazing animals and habitat loss.
• Hawaiis plant life is not looking too good, as of the 125 endemic plants added to the Red List this year, 85 are threatened. • Among the countries with the highest numbers of threatened birds and animals are Indonesia, India, Brazil, China and Peru. Plants are declining fast in Ecuador, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil and Sri Lanka. PowerShow.com is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website. Whether your application is business, how-to, education, medicine, school, church, sales, marketing, online training or just for fun, PowerShow.com is a great resource. And, best of all, most of its cool features are free and easy to use.
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Past Mass Extinctions The Sixth Mass Extinction •It is thought that Earth is experiencing its sixth mass extinction with disease and human activity taking a devastating toll on vulnerable species. •Mass Extinction: a global event in which species of many types, plant and animal, die out in a short period of time. •There have been five mass extinctions in known geological history.
•Past mass extinctions tended to wipe out the dominate species. Leaving a new one in its place. Mass Extinction Impact of Human Activity •Hunting and habitat destruction are examples of human activities that have wiped out other species •more then 539 species have become extinct since the 17th century and 33% of animal and plant life in America are vulnerable to premature extinction •and 29% of known plant species is threatened with extinction. •Ordovician-Silurian About 443m years ago, a quarter of all marine families were wiped out by fluctuating sea levels as glaciers formed and melted. Late Devonian About 359m years ago, a fifth of marine families were wiped out, alongside more than half of all marine genera.
Permian-Triassic worst mass extinction 251m years ago, killing 96% of all species. •End of Triassic About 200m years ago, lava floods erupting created lethal global warming, killing a half of marine life. Cretaceous-Tertiary 65m years ago, extinction of nearly a fifth of land vertebrate, and nearly half of all marine animals. •Humans are the direct cause of ecosystem stress and species destruction in the modern world through transformation of the landscape, overexploitation of species, pollution, and the introduction of alien species. •Human impact on the planet is a similar to the Cretaceous cometary collision.
• injections of debris into the atmosphere that global temperatures plummeted and photosynthesis was severely inhibited -- wreaked havoc on the living systems of Earth, which is precisely what we are doing to the planet right now. 95-98% of the virgin forests have been destroyed since the 17th century 96% of the virgin southeastern coastal plains are gone along with 98% of the tall grass prairie in the Midwest.
99% of Califonia's native grassland, 91% of its wetlands, and 85% of its red woods are gone. 90% of Hawaii's dry forest and grasslands have disappeared 81% of the nation's fish communities have been disturbed by human activities and more than half of the country's original wetlands have been destroyed.