Katana Suite Toolkit 3.0 Beta. 5/20/2017 0 Comments James Comey Testifies He Got Tummy Troubles Over Swaying the 2. FBI Director James Comey on. Katana: Multi-Boot Security Suite. Katana is a framework for keeping all your favorite security tools with you at all times. 3.0 Beta 2/2 (DefCon Release).
JP Dunning (is the creator of the Katana: Portable Multi-Boot Security Suite. Upon visiting www.hackfromacave. Mud Puddle Visuals Science. com, it appears that this projects have come to a halt. It is true that you can still obtain the Katana toolkit via torrents (for those are interested). However, I can’t recommend downloading this toolkit as of now because a lot the Linux distributions within the Katana toolkit have been superseded by newer distributions. Another issue with Katana is that it’s kind of a pain to customize and add and remove distributions.
With that being said, this post’s objective is to inform those who how to create a multi-booting USB flash drive toolkit that is easily customizable for end user’s specific needs. Torrent Download Dangerous Liaisons.