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The listing is for a King's Court card game manufactured by JanJohn in 1983. This game is out of print and is no longer available. The set is in gently used condition. There are 108 cards and 22 score sheets and a set of instructions. Number of players is 2 to 8. The cards are clean, and they have no obvious surface wear.
All in all, a great set! The box is in fair condition, but there is some wear along the edges, and a dent across the top. The box shows its age. As afficionados know, this is a great, fun game that can be enjoyed by players of a variety of ages.
A LOT of people try to buy these used games on ebay, and they generally don't last long. I played the game long ago with friends, and purchased a used copy for my family. Rampage Victims Of Rock Rarities. We never played it, as they are more interested in video games. I am doing some early spring cleaning and would like to sell it to someone who will get more use from it. Here are descriptions of the game: The family card game with a ROYAL TWIST! This game plays similarly to UNO, but with more complex 'wild' cards. For example, the Wizard allows you to choose the color, skip or change the direction, have the next player (after the skip or direction change) draw 5 cards, and also play an extra card!
The Magic Potion dissolves all your 'scroll card' points when someone else goes out (scroll cards are cards with special abilities who's values range from 20 to 50). The Royal Decree reverses any draw card back onto the one who played it. The Magician can become any scroll card in the deck. Above picture is a stock picture.
Cards in my set are equally as good, but the box isn't quite as good.
You have found an item located in the Kentuckiana Digital Library. Central Record: n. Friday, March 13, 1903. Central Record.
400dpi TIFF G4 page images Cartwright & Landrum, Lancaster, KY 1903 cen These pages may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Central Record: n. Friday, March 13, 1903. Central Record. Cartwright & Landrum, Lancaster, KY 1903 $IMLS This electronic text file was created by Optical Character Recognitio n (OCR). No corrections have been made to the OCR-ed text and no editing has be en done to the content of the original document.
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